I began to notice a lot of number 11s showing up in my life lately to the point where I mentioned it to Aaron and Cole among others. I moved into an apartment on the 11th floor of a building on 11th street and my parking space is number 211. We are now in the 11th month and tomorrow i finally sell the home i bought in 2011. Tonight I looked this up online to try to find out if anyone had any theories about what it means when certain numbers present themselves in your life. I know it sounds like some kind of stupid superstition. Maybe it is. In the same way that cooking makes me feel closer to my beloved grandmother and whenever I see a train on a track I think of my grandfather what's the harm in it? This makes me feel good. What if there is a message that we are dismissing because we can not explain it? Here is what I found: If you repeatedly see the number 11, it is a message from the angels to pay attention and take action . The number 11 is a message th...