
Showing posts from November, 2018


I began to notice a lot of number 11s showing up in my life lately to the point where I mentioned it to Aaron and Cole among others. I moved into an apartment on the 11th floor of a building on 11th street and my parking space is number 211. We are now in the 11th month and tomorrow i finally sell the home i bought in 2011. Tonight I looked this up online to try to find out if anyone had any theories about what it means when certain numbers present themselves in your life. I know it sounds like some kind of stupid superstition. Maybe it is. In the same way that cooking makes me feel closer to my beloved grandmother and whenever I see a train on a track I think of my grandfather what's the harm in it? This makes me feel good. What if there is a message that we are dismissing because we can not explain it? Here is what I found: If you repeatedly see the number 11, it is a message from the angels to  pay attention  and  take action . The number 11 is a message th...

dive in

I never thought I would be here in a million years if you would have told me, let's say, a year ago. How do I describe and recap 2018 so far with the dignity and the severity that it deserves? I have not written about the end of my 12 year relationship much or posted publicly about it on social media out of respect for a true love that was all at once so deep and so real that I fear I may never find anything else like it. Now with Aaron's blessing and in large part so that I don't forget how important this phase feels I want to document and share with you some of the details that have led up to this point. As of today I am at a total weight loss of 85 lbs. and I am down at least 5 pants sizes depending upon the store and the brand. Just before my last blog post around the time of my 40th birthday Aaron and me agreed that we would try an open relationship. This feels like the beginning of the end to me whenever other couples have told me they are going to stay t...