summer is under way. i have lost another 2 lbs. for a running total of 13. I had another meeting with a dietician last week (my third one) where we talked about what I am eating and how much of it and so on. The breakthrough moment this time is something I think we all learned in the second grade: eating a balanced diet will help you maintain good health. I felt like an idiot when I said my brain work in numbers and spreadsheets she pulled out a picture of a plate -color coded, with the words DAIRY GRAINS FRUIT VEGETABLE and PROTEIN printed around it . She said my breakfast everyday must consist of d-g-f-p, my lunch must consist of d-g-f-p-v, and my dinner must consist of d-g-f-p-v. We she actually did the math for me: she said if I go grocery shopping once per week and there are 2 adults in my home and we should each have 3 fruits everyday 2 X 3 X 7 = 42 servings of fruit I should buy at the store every week! Then I asked her a billion dollar question- what about diet soda? she sa...