
Showing posts from May, 2017


summer is under way. i have lost another 2 lbs. for a running total of 13. I had another meeting with a dietician last week (my third one) where we talked about what I am eating and how much of it and so on. The breakthrough moment this time is something I think we all learned in the second grade: eating a balanced diet will help you maintain good health. I felt like an idiot when I said my brain work in numbers and spreadsheets she pulled out a picture of a plate -color coded, with the words DAIRY GRAINS FRUIT VEGETABLE and PROTEIN printed around it . She said my breakfast everyday must consist of d-g-f-p, my lunch must consist of d-g-f-p-v, and my dinner must consist of d-g-f-p-v. We she actually did the math for me: she said if I go grocery shopping once per week and there are 2 adults in my home and we should each have 3 fruits everyday 2 X 3 X 7 = 42 servings of fruit I should buy at the store every week! Then I asked her a billion dollar question- what about diet soda? she sa...

false alarm

this will be sort of comprehensive and haphazard. today is the third anniversary of the death of my friend Michelle Carter who died in the delivery room giving birth to her second child so I think about living life to the fullest and seizing the day as our time together is too short. It is in part because of Michelle that I went back to school (nearly finished with my 6th semester back after a very long hiatus) and that I gave medical weight management a try. someone I work with but i don't know very well suddenly lost her mother in an accident just yesterday. I still feel like I am doing the right thing and the best thing for me. I watched a TV show last night called This is Life LIVE on TLC that I had DVRd featuring a woman named Monique who forgave a drunk driver 20 years after he killed her 1 year old daughter and adult sisters. I sobbed and I wondered, "What I am I holding onto that I can not let go of?" Compared to this amazi...